Hip bridges – you’ve seen them a bazillion times. But here’s the thing, most people do them wrong.

The issue many people run into is twofold:

  1. Extending the lower back instead of the hips (i.e. arching the lower back).
  2. Pushing with the quads and not the glutes.

The solution? A lacrosse ball.

This is a great teaching tool I use with my clients to help them learn how to use (and feel) their glutes during hip bridges.

How to do it

Take a lacrosse ball and wedge it in your left hip while laying on your back. Bring your left knee towards your chest and keep it there while bridging with your right leg. The goal is to not let the ball fall during your set.

Also – you’ll notice only my heel is touching the floor. Most people resort to pushing with their quads during bridges. This takes care of that and helps you focus more on your glute.

Watch the demo below and it will make more sense.

Note: The technical name for this bridge variation is the Cook hip lift (developed by physical therapist, Gray Cook). 

By keeping your top hip flexed, you’ll be able to achieve true hip extension on your supporting leg. As a result, you’ll actually feel it in your glute (not your lower back).

Keep in mind that you probably won’t be able to bring your hips up as high as you normally would with this variation. That’s fine.

When most people do bridges, the only reason they can bring their hips up so high is because they’re just arching their lower backs.

As long as you’re keeping the lacrosse ball in place, you’re golden.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think.



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