5 More Bulgarian Split Squats to Make You Cry
There’s no shortage of self-inflicted gym torture coming from eastern Europe.
When I see Bulgarian split squats in my clients’ programs, I crack a smile. I feel gitty.
When I see them in my program, I want to punch myself in the dick.
It’s a love-hate relationship.
If you like exercises that make you wonder if training is even worth it while you cry to yourself in the corner, give these 5 split squats a shot.
Also check out my original post 5 Bulgarian Split Squat Variations That Will Make You Cry.
If it looks like I’m praying in the thumbnail above, it’s because I am. I’m praying I don’t die mid-set or get smoked in the face from band whiplash.
Key benefits:
- It’s front loaded. It’s easier on your shoulders to get into a good position any time weight is distributed in front of your body. Front loaded exercises also work your core and quads more.
- Band tension. Accommodating resistance is when the resistance of an exercise increases throughout the range of motion. As you stand up, it gets harder.
Adding a barbell to the mix really makes things interesting, whether you’re in a front or back rack position.
Adding slow eccentrics just make it torturous.
Key benefits:
- Glute and hamstring dominant. Back-loaded movements usually emphasize your posterior (back of the body) muscles.
- Eccentric loading. Practice proper technique by slowing things down. Plus, more time under tension means more time to cry. I mean, more time to get stronger and add muscle.
- Barbell loading. Your balance and coordination is challenged when weight is distributed outside of your center of mass (ends of the barbell),
Good lord, these suck. In the best way possible.
Key benefits:
- Minimal back leg support. You can’t push through your back leg. This is kinda between a single leg squat and a split squat, since so much demand is put on your front leg.
- Balance. That band is going to wobble all over the place, so you gotta work hard to keep your balance.
This is one of my faves. Mainly because I think it looks cool.
Key benefits:
- Explosiveness/athleticism. Keep your reps short and your rest long. This isn’t a conditioning exercise you do until fatigue. 5 per side with at least a couple minutes rest between sets should do.
- Sprinting mechanics. Great way to practice your stride and sprinting mechanics if you’re limited in space (working out from home or in a crowded gym).
- It looks cool. Only if you do them well. Otherwise, you’ll be in a gym fail video somewhere.
These ain’t fun. Granted, they’re really good for you. But they still suck ass.
Key benefits:
- Isometric loading. Most exercises you’ll see or do focus only on concentric and eccentric loading. Your muscles contract isometrically as well, so you should incorporate static positioning into your training.
- Balance/coordination. This is harder than it looks in terms of keeping your balance. Try it and see.
- Muscular endurance. When’s the last time you did a wall sit? Or a plank? Be honest. This variation doesn’t just train your coordination, it tests your will and endurance.